Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ina and the shark

Today we learned about legend of Ina the shark.

Friday, July 27, 2018

My amazing maths


Split number into ones and tens and hundreds to solve subtraction problems

my awesome reading

This week I have been reading a book called celebrating puanga  Ramanui School.

my awesome spelling

I am trying to learn these words so I know them for my whole life .

Thursday, July 26, 2018

My amazing holiday

In the holiday I  went to Taranaki  and I stayed at my mums . Then we went to Rotorua to watch my cousin and my sister sister play  League against  Waikato  and  Northland. We had to wait for in hour tell the next game started . So we went sky lining . Image result for taranakiImage result for sky lining in rotorua